Monday, August 27, 2012

Pig roast at Peifer? Contact La Pampa!

La Pampa is considering hosting a special event for Labor Day weekend on Sunday, September 2 -- a whole pig roast, chickens, and possibly lamb dinner at Peifer Orchards for the whole family. We are trying to get a sense of how many people would be interested in attending (and eating) with us in the early evening, 5-7 p.m. We would provide the food and ask for a $12 donation per adult (kids free). We would encourage people to bring a bottle of wine, beer, or seltzer to share and a blanket to sit on.

Please rsvp to let us know if you'll be in town and would like to join us! If we get good feedback, we'll confirm the event later this week! Watch this site or the La Pampa website for updates.

Mariano and Luisa
(937) 767-1649
Twitter:  @lapampa4
Facebook:  La Pampa, Yellow Springs, OH