Sunday, November 14, 2010
Art faeries decorate Snowflake Tree
Last week, someone left an anonymous note criticizing a new yarn-bombing project by local Jafagirls (“Just Another Flippin’ Artist”) Nancy Mellon (in the hat) and Corrine Bayraktaroglu. To those unfamiliar with Nancy and Corrine’s work, they have brought international fame to Yellow Springs with their Knit Knot Tree (a tree in the downtown area that is sporting a handmade sweater) and ChamberPot (“Loo with a View”) Gallery (an art gallery housed in the Yellow Springs Chamber of Commerce restrooms). The two are also a part of the Dayton Street Alliance to beautify
and bring more traffic to Dayton and Corry Streets. Just this past spring, Dayton Street came alive when hundreds of colorful felted flowers of all shapes, sizes, and varieties suddenly and mysteriously began to appear on benches, railings, telephone poles, and trellises. Nancy and Corrine coordinated the series of Flower Power Sew-In's (which lasted from March through June) whereby volunteer sewers -- beginners and advanced -- met each Friday morning at Brother Bear's Coffeehouse to create wildly inventive flowers, leaves, and vines.
The note-writer scolded the two artists for not using their energies and resources on something more appropriate such as knitting sweaters for homeless people. Corrine wrote about the incident on their Jafagirl blog:
Undeterred, Nancy and Corrine continue to plan and plot their next artistic move.
I personally would like to acknowledge the efforts of these two village “elves” who devote themselves, tirelessly and voluntarily with no financial reimbursement, to making this town colorful and unique and for providing so many residents and visitors with unexpected treats (and photo opps) around every corner. I am always looking forward to what they will come up with next. We are lucky to have them.
To the anonymous note-writer: Thank you. We are blessed, once again, with another inspired and inspirational piece of art.
photo and video by Susan Gartner -- November 10, 2010
posted on A Yellow Springs Blog -- November 11, 2010